Hello folks, how are you doing? I am back again with my list of 10 articles everyone should read. In the past, I have shared 10 articles every programmer should read, which has was loved a lot by you guys, and many readers appreciated and says they benefited a lot from them. I can understand that becuase the feeling of discovering a great article is similar to finding gold in a salt-mine. The internet is full of tutorials and resources, but not all of them are good, and with such huge numbers, it has become increasingly difficult to find good resources, or should I call the gem of articles, which everybody wants to read. That’s why whenever I come across a good article, I bookmark it just to read it again and again, and believe me, I have learned a thing or two every time I have learned those. Sometimes, a new insightful comment also leads to a new resource or add something you already know.

Another thing is that technology changes very fast, whatever I knew about web development 10 years ago is not enough in today’s world of modern web development, and I need to keep myself updated. This is the situation of many programmers and web developers out there, but updating yourself and keeping pace with the technology is not really easy. It’s much easier said than done.

I know online courses from Udemy, Coursera, Educative, and Pluarslight are great and the main resource to keep yourself up-to-date with a new set of technology, but at the same time, they are time-consuming. You need at least 10 hours to consume a 3-hour course or sometimes even more, and that’s where this well-written, insightful article helps.